Fw: WHO calls for results from all trials to be reported

17. April 2015



Kai Müller

Gesendet: Mittwoch, 15. April 2015 um 15:21 Uhr
Von: "Ian Bushfield" <ibushfield@senseaboutscience.org>
An: "Kai Müller" <dr_kai_mueller@web.de>
Betreff: WHO calls for results from all trials to be reported

Dear AllTrials supporters

For the first time ever, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has taken a position on clinical trial results reporting, and it’s a very strong position! The WHO now says that researchers have a clear ethical duty to publicly report the results of all clinical trials. Significantly, the WHO has stressed the need to make results from previously hidden trials available. Ben Goldacre said, “This is a very positive, clear statement from WHO, and it is very welcome.” Ilaria Passarani from the European Consumer Organisation BEUC called it “a landmark move for consumers.” It is the position we and hundreds of you wrote to the WHO last autumn urging them to adopt. Well done everyone!

You can read more about the WHO’s statement and responses to it on the AllTrials website, in Science and The Verge and from Reuters.

The WHO has called on organisations and governments to now ensure that all trials get reported. Ben Goldacre has set out some practical suggestions on how to make this happen.

Please help share this exciting news. Can you write about it for a newspaper, journal, newsletter or blog? Make sure to share it on Twitter and Facebook. Here’s a tweet you can use: Great news: The @WHO has said that researchers should publicly report results from all clinical trials. http://bit.ly/1CUd1v6 #AllTrials

Best wishes



Ian Bushfield
Campaigns Support Officer

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